VEU: Code of Conduct

VIctorian Energy Upgrades

Meeting your obligations under the VEU code of conductThe Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) code of conduct sets minimum standards for accredited persons and scheme participants delivering discounted products and services through the program.

The Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) code of conduct (the code) came into effect on 1 July 2022.

Accredited persons and scheme participants must comply with the code. The code sets out minimum standards that consumers can expect from people and businesses delivering discounted energy efficient products and services through the VEU program.

It is designed to protect consumers and promote professional conduct and best practice by industry to deliver the program. The code establishes a standard of behaviour by accredited persons and scheme participants when delivering upgrades to Victorian consumers under the program.

These are known as 'regulated actions' which are:lead generation and marketing entering a contract for the sale or supply of program upgrades undertaking any work involved with delivering program upgrades following up activities including dispute resolution. Scheme participants are third parties involved in the upgrade pipeline.

They may work for, or on behalf of, an accredited person.

They may: make telemarketing calls, door knock to generate sale leads install and/or decommission (or remove) a product, deliver a range of other upgrade activities.

The code of conduct guideline and industry guides

The guideline explains all parts of the code to help accredited persons and scheme participants comply with their requirements.  It includes practical guidance, definitions of key terms and other information.

The guideline does not create any additional obligations to those set out in the code.The industry guides provide further information on how to achieve compliance when engaging with consumers during certain stages of the program.  

VEU Code of Conduct - Statement of Rights


Get in touch, and we will walk you through any questions you may have.